For years I thought redoing this pivotal lightsaber dual would be fantastic. Of all the technolgoical updates that could’ve been done with the Original Trilogy, this is one I felt would give more weight to the story.
Someone else agrees, and is working on it as we “speak”. I do so hope this isn’t vaporware.
About a year and a half ago, this video hit YouTube. It’s very inspiring and has a lovely sentiment. To date, it has well over 21 million views.
Apparently the guys at Be Japy caught some flak since the video featured an actor as the homeless guy. It’s important to note that their choice came from the best of intentions. They did perform acts like this one, and were very inspired and wanted to share the idea. And they wanted to do so in such a way that respected those being filmed. Watch their statement below (it’s in German with English subtitles).
For me, this speaks highly to the Be Japy folks. They meant no duplicity, simply seeking the best way to tell their story while maintaining the dignity of the people they’re serving. For that, they have my respect and admiration.