Found this very compelling today. It’s easy to sit back and wait for others to act, to be comfortable with the status quoa. We’re not called to the easy path.
Life In The Pacific Northwest
Some powerful advice, especially for me. My nature seeks stability and structure. “Constant learning” is somewhat counter to that. At least if I don’t anticipate the learning, the change that’s coming.
Something to continuously meditate on.
Bruce Lee’s wisdom, always good for motivation and focus.
This gem reminds me that we must continuously strive, push forward. It’s very easy to become complacent, to be simply satisfied.
For me, fear speaks to me at those moments. Fearing failure, laziness seems quite tempting. But I know the emptiness therein. Pushing through requires discipline, forcing through the inertia.
Know the value of that push. A worthwhile exercise of force.
Blessings upon all of you, dear readers.
This quote’s been on a card adhered to my refrigerator for quite some time. The photo is one I took today, capturing today’s perpetual rain. With a little post-production embellishment.
Life is not about how you survive the storm; it’s about how you dance in the rain.
It would be easy to let the dreariness deep into your marrow, poisoning your soul. I find my solace outside, in the wind, rain and cold. With filtered sunlight upon my skin, I persist in motion. That drives the depressive beast to silence. At least temporarily.
I came across this line by inimitable Seth Godin, who I admire greatly.
“Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn’t do enough to advance the cause is waste.”
from Linchpin
I’ve long seen this as a strength of mine, and one I long to continue to develop. I sincerely hope that at least some of the connections I’ve made have resulted in something wonderful.