Do You Know Where Kenna Harris of Monroe is?

The Snohomish County Sherrif’s office are trying to find Kenna Harris of Monroe. She’s been missing for a few weeks, so her family is concerned. She suffers from some “mental and physical limitations”, which adds to the concern. He was last seen in Snohomish on a CT bus around 2pm.

Q13 has a post with more details. 

Anyway, if you’ve seen her recently or have heard something, call Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound at 800.222.TIPS.


Kenna Harris of Monroe
Kenna Harris of Monroe Missing Poster


Lynnwood’s Trinity Lutheran Church’s Thanksgiving Feeding Project

Every year, Trinity Lutheran Church’s seeks to help the needy, beyond Thanksgiving, but this time of year is a critical time. Our goal this Thanksgiving: help 140 families. Though we’re solidly on-track to meet that goal, it is ambitious and we need your help.

Of the three below, the gift cards are the most preferred. After consulting with our neighboring schools, who we partner with for this ministry, it was determined that gift cards help people celebrate the holiday is culturally relevant ways.

The items below can be dropped at Trinity during office hours, or brought on Sunday.

Trinity Thanksgiving 2018 Drive.jpg

Muslim American engineer, others respond to aerospace exec’s anti-mosque campaign – The Seattle Globalist

If you didn’t know, a postcard was mailed to the citizenry of Mukilteo protesting the opening of a mosque. I can expound my standard liberal rhetoric about the value inclusiveness brings. Instead, let me simply allow one of our neighbors to speak to the matter (from Seattle Globalist) 

Muslim American engineer, others respond to aerospace exec’s anti-mosque campaign

Admiring my neighbors

Due to my Fitbit’s constant presentation of my inactivity, I decided to walk in the evenings. Not every night, but several see me striding through these suburbs which I call home. A few nights ago, I hear a buzzing spatter, then see the brilliant blue of welding. A Boeing welder exploring their artistic side? Or perhaps simply repairing a car? Answers escape my view, blocked by a fence.

These sights and sounds, though, remind me of a young sailor. Yes, me, humbly requesting welding school, which aligned with my rate, my work designation. Then it felt perfect, I could see artistry within. Terrible at self-promotion and assertiveness, that path never manifested. How different would my life’s path turned out?

With that, I admire those who craft, who, at day’s end, look upon something physical. An amazingly wonderful thing! I lament nothing of my path or life, though; just a little wonder how things could be. And, mostly, delight at the talent and skill held by my community. It makes me happy, and proud.