The Evolution of a Lynnwood Construction Project

Evergreen Estates Sign - Lynnwood

If you travel around the intersection of 188th and Highway 99 in Lynnwood, you’ve probably noticed the land that’s been sitting vacant for years has been cleared. It’s been quite the journey for this site over the past few years.

Evergreen Estates Construction
Evergreen Estates – Lynnwood

It has evolved a fair amount since it was the Evergreen Estates mobile home park. Back in 2017, it was slated to become the Evergreen Village apartments, a 231 unit 6-story multi-family project. There were low-income units planned, which would be valuable in this region, especially with housing prices rising rapidly. Though it would’ve solidly impacted traffic in my neighborhood, I was good with something going in. That project fell apart, however, I don’t have visibility to the specifics. It did go through much of the more involved parts of the permitting process. I did notice that the property went up for sale after languishing for a few years. In 2020, it was bought by Holman Lynnwood RED LLC, an affiliate of Holman Auto of New Jersey. And now the land has been cleared and the project seems to be moving forward.

Many of us are going “great, just what we need…ANOTHER car lot on Highway 99!” I’m glad that the property will be developed and become less of a trash and graffiti magnet.