Oh, the rollercoaster of weight

Though I’ve been working the past few years on getting my weight down, and been rather successful at it, I’ve been fluctuating between 190 and 200. I hit 190 and, boing, bounce up to 199.

I know it’s diet. And getting back on food tracking via the Fitbit app always helps.

I find the psychology of it all puzzling. This weird up and down thing, where at 190, my attention to details completely fails, and I just eat without thought or care.

And now I’m back on the rollercoaster.

Feels like Sisyphus. And then this ended up in my inbox.

Unrelated, perhaps, but appropriate in a way.

What about you? Any challenges with weight (whether losing or gaining)? Or are you a fitness god?

Leave a comment and let me know!

Healthy Living : Changing Lives

I remember reading Scott Cutshall’s story a little while back (read it here). My thoughts on running, fitness, and all that over the past few days brought it back to the front of my mind. Part of what connected me was his journey, but not just the effectiveness (massive weight-loss). No, what really struck me was a simple truth: he gained health by finding something he loved and letting it pull him along. I’ve long felt the way to a healthy life was to find something physical that you loved. That, even was dripping sweat, feeling exhaustion, facing your next appointment, you keep thinking “can I squeeze just a few more minutes?”

Passion, joy, that’s really what makes this happen. Go and find yours!

More Running Thoughts

Yesterday I had a brief post about a new online community for runners. A side note was about my attempts to recapture my love of running. Running, now, is a significant amount of work. 20 years ago, it was fun; meditation in motion. I thought about it and hit one key thought: weight.

I weighed about 175 in my running/cycling heyday. When I started reclaiming this lifestyle, I hit 208. Now at 194, things are more pleasant. But those 20 pounds will still affect my feelings. I’m sure that getting my weight closer to an ideal will really help. And getting my fitness level up will, too.

The other thing I noted: a lifetime of terrible eating habits. Since I lived physical activity and would run/bike for hours, I never paid attention to what I are. At the point in life, eating a good diet is crucial to accomplishing my goals. Actually, I think I need to focus in a great diet.

My fitness tracking tools show a nutrient breakdown of my diet. Truly, it’s sad how pathetically few nutrients I get from food. I need to take a multivitamin to get crucial elements. I want to develop a diet that gets me my fully nutrient load, while also not jamming me full of sugar.

Clearly I have work to do.