Seattle vs The Heat 

I’m not excited by the expected high temperatures over the next few days. Sure, for much of the world, these temperatures are not considered hot. In western Washington, though, this is near inferno. 

This region is often described as “temperate”. Our relatively narrow band of temperatures makes those of us adapted to it very uncomfortable elsewhere. 

My ideal band fluctuates between the upper 50s to mid 70s. Hence why it seems Seattleites are perpetually complaining about the weather. 

Funny that we generally don’t bother with AC, considering this. It’s not hot enough to spend money, just enough to air grievances. And so we go. Fortunately, we tend to cool significantly overnight. 

Stay comfortable my friends. 

Faxes and Standard Business Practices

Faxes, though the concept was invented in the late 1800s, really hit it’s heyday in the 1970s. That’s over 40 years of standard business use. So, why, WHY do I need to say “please use a cover sheet”? If you fax something to an office with over a hundred staff, the chances it will be lost are immense. When I worked at Microsoft, there was a single fax number and the coversheet was how the document got e-mailed to the recipient.

So use cover sheets, please, they’re critical , valuable, and a huge time saver.