Spam from Zillow Email Address

Hey folks,

I’ve noticed a slough of email from Besides a bunch of messages “We have received your case…”, I also have noticed that any reply to the that address goes to “everyone”. My theory: there’s a bot somewhere that’s taking every reply and blasting itself out. No, I don’t think Zillow has anything to do with it. 

So, my recommendation: in gmail, mark this as ‘spam’, and then ignore it. I noticed that gmail (at least) has been fast about capturing this whole thread as spam.


There isn’t anyone sending these messages consciously. As far as I can tell, there’s no email list to remove yourself from. So, until the bot is located and deleted by it’s host, we can only mark as spam and move on.

Also, make sure you’re running up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware software. I recommend AVG & Malwarebytes, but the tool is less important that the simple act of using it.