I didn’t part of the morning reading about the storm surrounding the Sansa rape scene from Game of Thrones. The backlash had been fascinating. Please note: I haven’t seen the scene, and, as I don’t watch the show, it’s unlikely I shall. And, there’s no protest: my current tastes run towards other content. I have had enough brutality in my life to seek it out.
Reading some of the commentary, I’m left with a key thought. It appears the scene was ugly and brutal, as rape is. I’m not reading anything that portrays the scene as anything less than horrific. Gruesome, disturbing; perhaps, there value in that. Facing the reality of rape; that all the attempts to justify rape culture really are justifying ugly brutality.
Maybe the producers meant to impart a social message. I don’t know, and don’t care. More importantly, this can be leveraged. We can erode the justifications and minimization our culture throws up against rape and it’s victims. If this scene starts a deeper debate about rape and culture, then perhaps it’s net effect will be positive. If more people deeply understand the evil brutality that is rape, good can come of this. So I hope.