I seek a voice of positivity. With that, I want those around me to feel confidence. Not a mindless confidence that misses real limits and sets up for failure. Nor the sociopathic version, which doesn’t care about the impacts on the world or communities which surround us. Rather, a feeling of ability; knowing, deeply, we can make a positive impact. This mindset builds upon love.
This voice presents challenges, especially in today’s culture. The world highly focuses on our divisions, ignoring our commonalities. Speaking with a positive voice, elaborating upon our potentials as a diverse people generates derision. That saddens me. We value love, and denigrate it. This disconnect causes us much pain. And me a great deal of frustration.
Fret not, though, if you share this vision: I shall continue. Continuing with a vision of different people, with different backgrounds working together. Elements of Doctor King’s Dream. For I have the same dream. And the more I learn and grow, the deeper it becomes. Built upon this vision of love, my central feeling: hope. Hope for a positive future; people working together. And I delight in this.