
Just my random thought of the day.  There are ways to build demand without creating suckers. Only focusing on maximizing profits from your customers can’t be sustained. Once a critical mass has been reached, you will have a growth rate the approaches zero rapidly

Go forth and do great things.

Real Estate

As I’m looking over a statistical analysis of the active properties in Snohomish County, there are a few details that I find interesting.

  1. 5+ bedroom homes are selling quite fast (averaging 83 days on market)
  2. They’re selling faster than 3 bedroom homes (89 days)
  3. In third place are 4 bedroom homes at 94 days
    1. I would’ve expected them to sell faster than 5+…
  4. 2 bedrooms are the slowest sellers at 134 days on market
  5. Condos are selling faster than houses
    1. 2 bedroom condos are averaging 55 days
    2. 3 bedrooms are going in 58 days

It’s good to see condos taking off. I would expect the lack of inventory has been driving that. With all the details, though, involved in closing a condo, I’m surprised they’re closing faster.

Go figure!



One thing that often happens with me: odd hour wakefulness focused on organizing. Not out of any sense of anxiety, mind you. Rather, my brain comes alive with ideas. I find it amusing.

My current focus when it comes to personal organizing: realistic daily loads. I’ve been using what I’ll call a “day dump”. I throw most of my outstanding workload into “today”, then shift the un-done into tomorrow. That’s quite frustrating. It makes it look like little gets done. And organizing starts to take much longer, especially as time oases. Plus, when you scroll thru a huge task list, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

I’m trying my best to build my task list into something that has a real chance of getting accomplished. Helps keep my main foci on page one, and not scroll around looking for sheet I should do next.