They never seem long enough. So very much I wanted to do, and so very much of that left undone. A few highlights:
- I’ve been fighting some kind of bug the past week or so. I feel better now, but not 100%. Slept far more of today than expected.
- With that, today, for various reasons, I consumed way too much bad food. Felt queasy most of the evening. My bifocals didn’t help at all. Feeling better now, yet also exhausted. Yuck!
- Yesterday I did finally replace my Samsung S5, which has been driving me batty. Got a S7. Quite happy so far, but I’m really only getting going with it.
- Saturday I went walking around Lynnwood. Up off of 40th between 188th and 196th, there’s a cleared play where a development of some stripe is going in. I’d passed by several times, so really wanted t take a closer look. The space they’re building out is HUGE! This will change the dynamic of that neighborhood.
- With that, I also explored the trails by the library and City Hall. I was delighted to find a plaque from Meadowdale (my high school) naming the trail “Mesika”. Seeing the connection filled me with pride.
- That makes me think of how the city has changed. It’s radically different than when I was a kid. Yet elements remain the same. I do expect Lynnwood will continue growing much more urban, for good and for ill.
- Anyway, I have photos and a little video. Once I feel better and more energized, I’ll pull together a vlog post.
So, it was a satisfying enough weekend for me. Hopefully it was for you. Let me know in the comments!