I found this gem at the Edmonds Bookshop, one of my uber-favorite bookstores. I bought this early this year, and it was sold in support of Independent Bookstore Day (April 30, 2016). Definitely a worthy endeavor! This little book was a solidly delightful read. Reminds me of the art you find in such magazines as The Stranger, and the Zines of 90s. I think it does a fantastic job capturing pieces of Seattle’s underground culture.
Though I’ve poked around, I couldn’t find a place to see or even buy a copy of this little guy. I intend to keep looking, though it might have been too limited a run. If you know, let me know.
Here’s the list of contributors, along with web presence (websites, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages). They’re all interesting and do fascinating work. Check them out!
Seth Goodkind (this link takes you to a copy of his contribution for this book), David Lasky, Max Clotfelter, Joe Garber, John Ohannesian, Ben Horak, Kelly Froh, Peter Bagge, Marie Hausauer, Tatiana Gill, Colleen Frakes, Ellen Forney, Roberta Gregory, Pat Moriarity, Laura Knetzger, Robyn Jordan, Allen Gladfelter, Marc Palm, Tom Van Deusen, James Stanton, Brendan Kiefer, Ryan Thies & Eroyn Franklin.